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Press releases 23 June 2021

EERA JP ES Award at Enerstock 2021

Enerstock2021 logoThe 15th Virtual International Conference on Energy Storage ENERSTOCK2021 with the theme "Towards Smart Solutions" was held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, from 9 to 11 June 2021, and hosted by the University of Ljubljana - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia. The conference was attended by about 250 researchers and experts from 28 countries from all over the world. At the conference, an impressive number of distinguished experts presented the latest scientific and technological achievements as well as future trends and prospects related to materials, applications and systems for thermal and electrical energy storage, power-to-gas or heat applications, climate change and other related disciplines.

More than 50 young researchers participated at the conference. The best Ph.D. student/post-doc contributions were evaluated by the Award committee and Dr. Salvatore Vasta, the coordinator of the JP ES SP3 and awarded the prizes during the closing ceremony.

Kai Knobloch from Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark and

Karin Edel from Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic

were awarded the EERA JP ES prize for the best oral and short oral poster presentation, respectively.

The title of the oral presentation of Kai Knobloch was »Vertical rock bed for high temperature energy storage: pilot plant findings«. Karin Edel had the presentation entitled »Speed of reaching the full potential heat capacity of a basalt product: mathematical model based on experimental results«. The winners were evaluated in the perspective of the scientific and technical interest of EERA in the field, for their upstanding contribution to the topic and for the quality of the their presentations and oral speeches, the level of the research carried out, the scientific sound of their work and the high level of the answers addressed to the questions received.

More information can be found here

Alenka Ristić, the co-chair of the conference

National Institute of Chemistry Slovenia

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