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Eera event 14 May 2021

New flexibility resources: the role of hybrid pumped hydropower

The exploitation of an increasing share of electricity from renewable sources is leading to the exit from the market of fossil-fueled thermoelectric plants, starting from the oldest ones. However, due to the fluctuations introduced into the grid by Non-Programmable Renewable Energy Sources, the grid operator requires even more flexible balancing resources, which only some kinds of conventional plants are able to provide.

The webinar presented the current evolution of the ancillary service markets in Italy and the role of hybrid Pumped Hydropower systems in the future scenario.

A hybrid pumped hydropower dynamic model with batteries, flywheel and refined controllers to supply flexibility services was discussed to evaluate the effectiveness of different configurations, also in terms of wear and aging (loss of useful life) in an Italian case study. Moreover, the need of new rules and remuneration schemes to make this type of hybrid system economically feasible and viable was also analysed.


The presentations and the recording of the webinar can be found below:

Webinar Moderator: Julio Alterach (RSE)

Chiara Gandolfi:

'Toward renewable energy integration into the power system: the Italian research initiatives'


Silvia Canevese and Antonio Gatti:

'New rules for assets and novel regulation services to increase the Italian power system flexibility'


Juan Ignacio Pérez Díaz:

'The role of energy storage in the frequency control of power systems'


Giovanna Cavazzini:

'Challenges for pumped hydropower plants in the future grid scenario'


Stefano Casarin:

'Pumped hybrid energy storage systems for the provision of frequency control'


Webinar Recording

Please do not hesitate to contact us, if you have further questions. 

Giovanna Cavazzini and Julio Alterach

Practical information


14 May 2021


10:00 AM - 12:15 PM


Online meeting


Giovanna Cavazzini
University of Padova